Monday, January 20, 2014

Winter Wonderland Week One

8-5 sure is a change in pace (aka exhausting), 
but I am really excited for the semester & work!  
Cleaning snow off my car anytime I need to drive is new, too!  
But it is so beautiful, I definitely don't mind.

My drive to work is primarily along the (frozen) White River
walking to the office, thankful for my jacket

This is how I felt on Wednesday
Breaking in this awesome Christmas present!

This past weekend, Sam and I ate at BRU Burger Bar (delicious!) and got to walk around "Mass Ave"!  
It had a (snowy) downtown Bryan feel and the shops were so much fun!  We only had time for Silver in the City, Three Dog Bakery, and Mass Ave Toys, but definitely plan on going back to see the rest!  

We also got to go on a four hour tour of the city of Indianapolis.  I can't even begin to explain how much I LOVED this.  We saw indescribable parks, Speedway, downtown and its museums/canal/restaurants, the circle, fountain square, beautiful neighborhoods, memorials, cathedrals, Glick art center, the Monon trail, Broad Ripple, Fort Harrison state park, etc., etc., etc!  I won't even being trying to explain it all in a single post because it would be too overwhelming!  
From the tour, I've made a list of all the places I want to go and see and will post about them as they happen!  This city has SO much to offer and I'm hoping that there will be enough weekends to do and try everything!

A couple quick pics:
Speedway.  The Indy 500 is coming up in May!
Above shows an old church and the old baseball stadium.  These buildings (in addition to more churches, factories, train station, etc.) have been repurposed and are now apartments/condos!  How cool.

Right after the tour, Sam and I were feeling adventurous and although it was snowing, we went to The Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park: 100 Acres.  These 100 acres are located right across the river from the museum and is part of the IMA (also, right around the corner from our apartments!).  We explored this area for a few hours and it snowed the entire time.  It was a BEAUTIFUL and a lot of fun.  Because of the amount of snow, half the time we couldn't tell where the trails were so we just ran all over!

Walking closer to the lake was unreal.  It was impossible to tell where park stopped and where lake began.  Underneath all the snow was a layer of ice about 2 inches thick that was raised up off the ground!  We broke through some of the ice that was near the lake, it was very strange and huge sheets of it came up like puzzle pieces.  
There were footprints all the way across the lake but we just believed whoever that was made it to the other side safely and we chose to stay where we knew there was solid ground beneath us, haha.
Eden II on the 35 acre lake
Checking out Eden II from Bench Around the Lake

NOTICE: A Flock of Signs was my absolute favorite
From far away I thought these were giant teeth (can you tell what I think about all day at work?)!  But once we got closer and pushed all the snow off these HUGE fiberglass benches, we uncovered Funky Bones.
Snow Angels :)
Chop Stick
100 Acres was so much fun! Sam and I will be back for sure!

This is right behind the apartments
I forgot in my previous post to add a pic of my patio!
There is a very cute cardinal couple that is extremely camera shy, but I'll catch them at some point.
Happy MLK day to everyone!
Shout out to my sis & dad that got to ski all weekend!  
If I weren't 18 hours away from y'all, I would've found a way to join ;)
Love you both!

"I am leading you along the high road, but there are descents as well as ascents.  In the distance you see snow-covered peaks glistening in brilliant sunlight.  Your longing to reach those peaks is good, but you must not take shortcuts.  Your assignment is to followMe, allowing Me to direct your path.  Let the heights beckon you onward, but stay close to Me.
"Learn to trust Me when things go "wrong."  Disruptions to your routine highlight your dependence on Me.  Trusting acceptance of trials brings blessings that far outweigh them all.  Walk hand in hand with Me through this day.  I have longingly planned every inch of the way.  Trust does not falter when the path becomes rocky and steep.  Breath deep draughts of My Presence, and hold tightly to My hand.  Together we can make it!"
-Jesus Calling, Sarah Young

"For this light momentary affliction is preparing us 
for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison." 
- 2 Corinthians 4:17

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Final Destination: Indy :)

How crazy it was to say goodbye to my Midland girls (and to Rosas)!

Sad dogs… haha

It seemed to take forever for the time to come, but finally mom and I were on the road!  Day 1 it took only about a thousand hours to get OUT of Texas.  But thankfully we made it to Oklahoma and stopped for the night with the wonderful Rowlands.  Day 2 we continued through Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, and finally Indiana!  Four states in one day and the windshield wipers NEVER caught a break!  Thankfully it was solid rain instead of the snow and ice!  We were so excited to finally make it.

 The best travel buddy :)

The weekend was spent setting up my new home!!!  

the wine rack is another winter break project made from a wooden pallet!
We got to explore a little bit!  I can already tell I'll be spending a lot of time exploring.  This is the Lilly House & Gardens, which is a 26-acre estate that sits on the grounds of the IMA (Indianapolis Museum of Arts).  It was very snowy and icy and tours of the home are closed for the season, but it was still gorgeous.  PLEASE excuse my bright pink socks.

It is so exciting to finally be here.  Mom had to head home & I started work.  
Indiana is beautiful and I absolutely love the snow.  

My new address:
2012 Gable Lane Ct. 
Apt #1016 
Indianapolis, IN 46228

this cute spot is right outside my door!
Come visit :)

"Where can I go from Your Spirit?  Where can I flee from Your presence?  If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me.  Your right hand will hold me fast."  
Psalm 139:7-10

"I am with you always."
Matthew 28:20