Friday, May 30, 2014

Update Marathon: San Francisco

Hello!!!  SO MUCH TIME HAS PASSED!  This will be my first post in a quick series over the next couple days to update you on the past… 2 months!  Haha, I just have got to get better at blogging with consistency!  

The same day that my family left from their Indiana Spring Break trip, Sam also left for a 6-week cover in Northern California for work.  It was very sad to tell them all bye at once and to know that it would be awhile until we got to be back together.  And it was hard for Sam & I to be loners on different sides of the country!  But we were very thankful for phone calls, texting, and FaceTime!  Sam did GREAT work in California and I soaked up my time at Northview Church with Alpha, childcare, and joining an amazing LifeGroup!  My birthday fell during the time that Sam was away.  Even though we were apart, I was so thankful to be celebrated by the alpha group!  

I couldn't believe how quickly the end approached for the Seal Indiana internship I loved it there!  My last day, the team took me out to lunch downtown, it was delicious and a fun final hoo-rah :)

Right after lunch, I headed to the airport and was Cali-bound to meet Sam!  This was sweet Sam's belated b-day present to me: a day with him exploring San Francisco!!!  Wow, not sure how that will ever be topped :)  It was so great to finally be reunited in April and we spent Friday night and all day Saturday exploring the city!  Yes, all these photos are from one day, so we have the same clothes on in every picture, haha.  We had the most wonderful time and sure hope that we can go back in the future!

Welcome to Sam & Shan Francisco

Lombard Street 

Golden Gate Bridge

Breakfast at Fred's in Sausalito!  Delicious

Sutro Baths Ruins - my favorite part of the day! 
This is what the Baths used to look like!  Built in 1894, the baths were developed by self-made millionaire, Adolf Sutro.  Sutro's dream for the Baths was to provide a healthy, recreational and inexpensive swimming facility for thousands of San Franciscans. A portal opened to a massive glass enclosure containing seven swimming pools at various temperatures. There were slides, trapezes, springboards and a high dive. The Pacific Ocean could fill the 1.7 million gallons of water required for all the pools in just one hour during high tide! The Baths could accommodate 10,000 people at one time and offered 20,000 bathing suits and 40,000 towels for rent. Unfortunately, after Adolf's death and due to other factors including the Great Depression, limited accessibility, and failed attempts to maintain popularity, the baths were no longer profitable and ultimately destroyed in a fire in 1966.  Check out more history and information about both the baths and the Cliff House here.  

I wanted to see the Dutch Windmills, just up the road from the Sutro baths, & it required crashing a wedding!  We were okay with that :) The ring bearer was hilarious and it was a beautiful ceremony. 

Welcome to China town!

Ferry Market

"Sometimes I wish I were you… So I could be friends with ME!" - awesome musician at the ferry market

YUM.  Thanks to Sam's Uncle Jason for planning out where we should eat all our meals!  
We did NOT go hungry and got to try lots of delicious things!

too tired to walk...

…so we got a great ride!

Conservatory of Flowers: beautiful!

It was a long day!  Not over yet!

I don't even want to say how long we simply drove around the city going back and forth, up and down the steepest roads!  It was so much fun & one of the many highlights of the awesome day.

We ended the day with a yummy dinner at Pier 39 looking out at Alcatraz!  It was such a fun day and we got to pack so many fun things in!  Sure hope to go back someday :)

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