Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pre-Indy Christmas Break!

Hi!  Welcome to my blog! 
While in Indy, I'll be leaving behind a big Texas family: Castilles, Kramrs, Midlanders, Aggies, PiPhis.  My hope is that this blog will be a way to keep everyone easily updated (with plenty of pictures) on all the SHANanigans that I suspect this move will bring!

Christmas break has been a blast so far & I have managed to make the rounds to most of my favorite Texas cities!  First, College Station.  Finals week with no finals = crafting!  Sam and I combined tons of old fence wood, our creative sides, some Burt tools, and lots of stain to create some fun things to take up north!

Sam built a coffee table and two side tables.  

I painted two twin-sized headboards, a verse, and a few other things that I will post later :)

We had a few College Station Christmas parties and soaked up the time we got to spend with sweet (goofy) friends.
photobomb at its finest

Then Sam Graduated! 

And I had to say goodbye to the beloved Compound.  

Off to Dallas to ship Sam's truck 
& load the moving truck with everything Sam owned!  It was quite a bit ;)

Next stop: Midland for a Castille Christmas!  I know my mom will agree with me when I say there is nothing better than having everyone together.

Then headed off to Sam's side of the family in New Braunfels and had a great time there as well with all the festivities they had in store for us.

Sadly, Sam & I had to part ways at this point. He was off to Indy 
and I headed to Houston for more Christmas!  
The newest Castille additions were very entertaining and precious as always.


Just missing the Kirby+Alyssa newlyweds!

The traveling continues!  Lake time for New Years with the Kramrs (including Duke)!

And lastly, back to midland!  A little less than a week here before I am off to Indy myself!  

Until next time!

"The Lord had said to Abram, Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show youI will make you into a great nation, and I will bless youI will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you,and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Genesis 12:1-3

  Where will I be in 4 months?  Do you know where you will be in 4 months?  The truth is, not a single one of us can know for certain what the future holds.  But just as God told and showed Abraham, I can take comfort that when I live each day seeking the Lord, I am able to better see His will for me for that day. And by boldly (yet simply) following His daily plan for our lives, He will shower blessings over me.  
It is easy to live for myself and the instant gratification mindset that society has portrayed as desirable.  But the truth is, I don't always know what is best.  As a wonderfully wise friend Randi describes, "If a child went to their parent and asked to eat all the M&Ms of the whole world in one sitting, the parent knows that plan both isn't possible nor a GOOD one!"  In a similar way, some of the things I feel would be "best" for my lives (to land that huge job, to win the lottery, to cure the illness of a loved one), God sees the whole picture, and has an unimaginably beautiful plan.  

His answer to our prayers is always one of three things:
-Not yet
-I have something better in mind

  And because of Jeremiah 29:11, we can trust that the plans the Lord has for us are "plans to proser us, not harm us, plans to give us hope and a future".  How freeing it is to let God handle the planning and simply follow while uncovering the blessings he has waiting for us.  My God is a loving God.  And His love is like no other: personal, perfect, pure, selfless, says the truth, and must be shared.


  1. Shanyyyyy!! I love this! I am so excited for you and what God has in store for you. Thank you for starting the blog so we can all stay up to date with you :) love you so much and can't wait to read some more! Stay warm!

    1. Thanks Mady :) I'm glad you encouraged me to do it!!! Love you so so much & excited for where God is taking YOU! You're such a wonderful example of a steadfast relationship with Him and I look up to you!
